Janice Surette, Director of Women's Ministry/Care Minister
work: 978-912-7616
Email: womensministry@ccfhaverhill.com

Janice Surette


Director of Women's Ministry, Care Minister, Ministry of Helps

Where I am from:

I live in Georgetown, Mass.

Work/Ministry experience:

I serve on the Board of Directors for "He Cares for Me" and continue to serve as a Care Minister at CCF and through the ministry of HCFM.  I also serve as a volunteer with Somebody Cares New England.

How long have you been at CCF:

I have been connected with CCF Haverhill since 2005

Tell us about your family:

I am married to my best friend Ken. Together we have four wonderful children, three awesome daughter-in-laws, and two grandchildren who are the sunshine of our lives

My Heart:

God has given me a heart for women. In my role as Director of "Women of Purpose"  I get to live out what God has placed on my heart to do. The mission of this ministry is to equip and help women live with purpose so that they can walk into the destiny God created them for.